Entries by Solar Battery Group


Top Five Benefits Of Solar Batteries For Businesses In Australia

Solar power and renewable energy are a growing movement across Australia. More businesses are joining this progressive wave, understanding the value of sustainable energy solutions. If you’re a business owner in Australia who is keen on reducing operational costs, enhancing energy security, and contributing to environmental sustainability, this blog is for you. Continue reading to […]


Is a Solar Battery Right for Your Home?

As solar energy becomes increasingly popular, many homeowners are considering adding a solar battery to their home or business solar panel system. But is a solar battery right for your home? In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of solar batteries, key considerations for home and business owners, and how to determine if a solar […]


Do You Need a Solar Battery When You Buy Panels?

As solar energy becomes more accessible through government rebates and incentives, many homeowners are making the switch and installing solar panels to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills. However, a common question arises: Do you need a solar battery when you buy panels? With recent changes affecting solar homeowners in Victoria and New South […]


Protecting Your Solar Investment: How Solar Batteries Can Mitigate the Effects of the Sun Tax

As solar power in Australian homes and businesses continues to grow, it’s essential to keep up to date with potential challenges clean energy entrepreneurs may face, one of which is the looming ‘Sun Tax‘ introduced by Ausgrid. This new policy changes how solar energy is managed and monetised, particularly affecting those without solar batteries. In […]

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Addressing Common Solar Energy Concerns

As more Australians look to adapt to sustainable energy and, in doing so, combat rising living costs, solar energy becomes a highly sought-after solution. However, despite its growing adoption, some people still have reservations about switching to solar. Solar Battery Group is here to address common solar energy concerns and help you decide whether solar […]


5 Things You Should Know Before Buying A Solar Battery

As the energy landscape changes, more Australians are looking into new, innovative ways to save on their power bills and reduce their reliance on the grid. And now, with Ausgrid’s looming ‘Sun Tax‘ approaching as of July, 2024, we’re noticing more urgency as more households and businesses look into their solar battery storage options. While […]

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The Sun Tax: How Ausgrid’s New Policy Impacts Solar Homeowners and the Rising Importance of Batteries

As Australia continues its push towards renewable energy, solar power is the obvious choice for many households. However, recent developments by Ausgrid, the largest electricity distributor on the East Coast, are set to change the landscape for solar panel owners. This blog delves into the new “Sun Tax,” its implications for homeowners, and why investing […]