Escape the Sun Tax with Solar Battery Power


As the adoption of renewable energy grows, so do the policies surrounding it. In New South Wales (NSW), a new challenge for solar panel owners has emerged- the ‘Sun Tax‘. This new tariff charges for exporting excess solar energy back to the grid during certain times of the day, posing a financial burden for those investing in clean energy solutions.

For many, this policy feels like a financial penalty for those investing in clean energy solutions. However, there is a way to avoid the Sun Tax and continue to maximise your solar investment: solar battery power.

In this blog, we’ll explore how you can escape the Sun Tax by installing a solar battery and how this investment can help you save money, enhance energy independence, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

it’s a charge for exporting excess solar energy to the grid during certain times of the day, which can reduce the financial benefits of solar power for many homeowners.

Understanding the Sun Tax

The ‘Sun Tax’, officially known as a two-way pricing tariff, was introduced in NSW as part of a broader effort to manage the increasing influx of solar energy into the grid. In simple terms, it’s a charge for exporting excess solar energy to the grid during certain times of the day, which can reduce the financial benefits of solar power for many homeowners.

  • Penalty for Daytime Exports: Solar panel owners are charged 1.2¢ per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for energy exported to the grid between 10 am and 3 pm—when the grid is often oversupplied with solar power.
  • Reward for Evening Exports: Conversely, homeowners receive 2.3¢ per kWh for energy exported between 4 pm and 9 pm—when demand increases, and the grid can benefit more from additional power.

While the policy aims to stabilise the grid and encourage solar energy use during peak demand periods, it reduces the financial benefits of solar power for many homeowners.

How Solar Batteries Can Help You Escape the Sun Tax

Solar Battery Group

Investing in a solar battery can allow you to side step the Sun Tax all together. Here’s how:

Maximising Self-Consumption

With a solar battery, you can store excess energy generated during the day instead of exporting it to the grid. This stored energy can then be used during the evening or when demand (and electricity prices) is high. Maximising your self-consumption reduces the energy you need to export, thus avoiding the Sun Tax entirely.

Energy Independence

A solar battery is like having your own power bank for your home or business. It provides a reliable power source, allowing you to use stored solar energy whenever needed—day or night. This reduces your reliance on the grid, which is particularly beneficial during periods of high energy prices or outages. Energy independence means you’re less vulnerable to fluctuating energy tariffs and grid-related charges.

This not only helps you avoid the Sun Tax but also leads to substantial savings on your overall energy bills.

Lowering Energy Bills

By storing and using your solar energy, you can significantly reduce your reliance on grid electricity, especially during peak rates. This not only helps you avoid the Sun Tax but also leads to substantial savings on your overall energy bills. Over time, the savings from reduced energy bills can offset the cost of the battery, making it a financially sound investment.

Backup Power During Outages

In addition to helping you avoid the Sun Tax, a solar battery provides backup power during grid outages. This ensures that essential appliances and systems in your home or business remain operational, giving you peace of mind and security.

Supporting a Sustainable Future

Using a solar battery to store and use your solar energy not only reduces your carbon footprint but also supports the broader adoption of renewable energy. By reducing your need for grid electricity—especially during peak times when fossil fuel-based power plants are often used—you contribute to a cleaner, greener environment.

The introduction of the Sun Tax in NSW presents a new challenge for solar panel owners, but it also highlights the growing importance of energy storage solutions like solar batteries.

By investing in a solar battery, you can escape the financial penalties of the Sun Tax, enjoy significant cost savings, and enhance your energy independence.

If you’re ready to take control of your energy usage and future-proof your home against rising energy costs and new tariffs, invest in a solar battery now with expert advice from the team at Solar Battery Group.

Request a call back to get started here.