Tag Archive for: energy bill

Australia’s solar industry has set a new record for rooftop solar installation during the summer of 2023. This achievement is a testament to the country’s commitment to clean energy and highlights Australia’s rapid growth of solar power. In this article, we will explore the factors contributing to the industry’s growth and discuss the benefits of solar power for Australian homes and businesses.

Factors Contributing to the Growth of Australia’s Solar Industry

Solar panels have decreased by around 80%, making them an affordable and viable option for more Australians.

The Australian government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions has played a significant role in the growth of the country’s solar industry. The government has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, encouraging individuals and businesses to invest in renewable energy sources like solar power.

Another factor contributing to the growth of Australia’s solar industry is the decreasing cost of solar panels. Over the last decade, solar panels have decreased by around 80%, making them an affordable and viable option for more Australians.

Benefits of Solar Power for Australian Homes and Businesses

One of the primary benefits of solar power for Australian homes and businesses is the potential cost savings. Solar energy can significantly reduce electricity bills and help individuals and businesses save money in the long run.

Solar Battery GroupAnother benefit of solar power is that it is a clean and renewable energy source, which means it is much better for the environment than traditional energy sources. As a result, using solar power can help reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Australia’s solar industry achieved new heights in the summer of 2023, breaking records for rooftop solar installations. The solar industry’s growth can be attributed to factors such as the government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and the decreasing cost of solar panels. Solar power offers numerous benefits to Australian homes and businesses, including cost savings and a cleaner, more sustainable energy source. As the country continues to invest in renewable energy, we expect further growth and development in the solar industry.

To learn more about a solar solution to help you become more energy independent call the Solar Battery Group on 1300 223 224.

You’ve probably heard of solar, right? The most abundant source of energy on the planet? If not, you’ve come to the right place to learn more. So let’s start by explaining:

Solar Energy Technology: How Solar Panels Work

Solar panels are a key component of solar energy technology, which harnesses the abundant power of the sun to generate heat and electricity.

Solar radiation, which refers to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun, is the source of this energy. The process of converting solar radiation into usable forms of energy, such as electricity and heat, is what we refer to as solar energy.

The beauty of solar energy lies in its renewability – unlike non-renewable sources, such as fossil fuels, solar energy is harnessed without depleting natural resources. Solar panels are a common way to maximize the use of solar energy, although there are other methods, such as solar power plants, solar furnaces, and thermal storage systems. Ultimately, solar energy technology offers a sustainable and versatile solution for meeting our energy needs.

Let’s dive into the seven little-known facts about solar energy that everyone needs to know.

Solar Energy is the Most Abundant Source of Energy

The sun is the most abundant energy source in the world, providing more energy to the Earth in one hour than the entire population uses in a year. With this in mind, harnessing solar power is an excellent way to help reduce our reliance on finite, non-renewable sources.


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Solar Energy is Getting Cheaper

Solar panels are becoming increasingly affordable, and installation costs have fallen by more than 70% since 2010. In fact, solar energy is now cheaper than most traditional energy sources, making it a viable option for homeowners and businesses.

Solar Energy is Clean Energy

Solar energy is a clean, renewable energy source that produces no harmful emissions. Unlike traditional energy sources like coal and gas, solar energy doesn’t pollute the air or contribute to climate change.

Solar Energy Can Be Stored

One of the biggest challenges with renewable energy is storage. Fortunately, solar energy can be stored in batteries to save excess energy for later use. Solar batteries are especially useful when the sun isn’t shining, such as at night or during cloudy weather.

Side note: Let’s take a brief moment away from the blog to talk about what solar batteries are and why you want one.

What are solar batteries?

Solar batteries are devices used to store energy generated by solar panels. They work by converting DC electricity from solar panels into AC electricity, which is used to power your home or business. The excess energy generated by your solar panels is stored in the battery, which can be used during overcast weather.

Installing a solar battery means you can use solar energy even when the sun isn’t available, providing a reliable source of power that can help reduce your reliance on the grid. Additionally, having a solar battery can provide backup power in case of an outage, giving you peace of mind and added security. Overall, investing in a solar battery can maximize the benefits of solar energy and help you save money on your energy bills.


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Solar Energy Creates Jobs

In Australia alone, the solar industry significantly contributes to employment opportunities. As of 2021, the sector employs over 20,000 people, which is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. This demonstrates the importance of the solar industry not only as a source of clean energy and a significant driver of job creation and economic growth in Australia. Moreover, as the demand for renewable energy continues to increase, so will the number of jobs in the solar industry, providing a bright and sustainable future for Australia’s workforce.

Solar Energy Can Increase Property Value


Installing solar panels in your home can increase its value by as much as 4.1%.

This means that you can save money on your energy bills and increase the value of your home when it comes time to sell.

Solar Power Can Power Entire Cities

Solar energy may seem like it is only suitable for individual homes or businesses, but it’s essential to note that it can power entire cities. In fact, there are already cities in the world powered entirely by solar energy, proving that it’s a viable energy source for even the largest communities.

In conclusion, everyone should consider solar energy as an abundant, affordable, and clean energy source. With the cost of solar panels decreasing and the industry continuing to grow, now is the perfect time to invest in solar energy. By doing so, we can help reduce our reliance on non-renewable sources of energy, create new jobs, and protect our planet for future generations.

To learn more about a solar solution to help you become more energy independent call the Solar Battery Group on 1300 223 224.


It doesn’t take an economics degree to notice that the cost of living is increasing. All you need is a pair of eyes and a bank account. However, simply observing this phenomenon is not equivalent to comprehending it fully.

In Australia, individuals are grappling with elevated energy prices and widespread hikes in their cost of living, which has left a lot of homeowners in challenging situations with bills piling up left, right, and centre.

As energy prices continue to rise, homeowners are increasingly concerned about the impact on their household budgets. The impact of these price increases can be significant, from increased utility bills to rising prices for goods and services. This article explores the potential impact of rising energy prices on your home and provides some tips for managing and reducing energy costs.


Understanding the Impact of Rising Energy Prices

The impact of rising energy prices on your home is a complex issue that can be affected by various factors. Some of the most important factors to consider include the type of energy being used, the size of the home, the efficiency of the home’s heating and cooling systems, and the climate in which the property is located.


The Impact of Rising Energy Prices on Utility Bills

An increase in utility bills is one of the most immediate impacts of rising energy prices on your home. As the cost of electricity, natural gas, and other forms of energy rise, the amount you pay for your monthly utility bills will also increase. This can be incredibly challenging for homeowners on a fixed income or who are already struggling to make ends meet.

House Values

The Impact of Rising Energy Prices on Home Values

Another important consideration regarding rising energy prices is the impact on home values. As energy prices rise, homes that are less efficient and more expensive to operate may become less desirable to potential buyers. This can lead to decreased home values and a more challenging housing market overall.

Strategies for How to Manage and Reduce Energy Costs

There are a variety of strategies that homeowners can implement to manage and reduce their energy costs. One of the most effective approaches is to improve your home’s energy efficiency by upgrading insulation, sealing air leaks, and upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and lighting. This can significantly reduce the energy your home requires to operate and save you money on your monthly utility bills.

Another strategy for managing energy costs is to implement a home energy monitoring system, which can help you identify areas of your home that use the most energy and provide recommendations for reducing energy consumption. This can be especially useful for homeowners looking to make targeted improvements to their energy usage and reduce their overall energy costs.

Finally, consider alternative energy sources, such as solar power. While the initial investment in these systems can be significant, over time, they can significantly reduce your reliance on traditional energy sources and save you money on your monthly utility bills. To get even more out of their solar, households can add solar batteries to store excess electricity, this can be used at night meaning you can use your own generated electricity day and night.

By implementing these strategies, homeowners can take proactive steps to manage and reduce their energy costs, helping to protect their household budgets and improve the overall efficiency and value of their homes.


households can add solar batteries to store excess electricity…

Taking Action to Mitigate the Impact of Rising Energy Prices

As energy prices continue to rise, it is more important than ever for homeowners to take action to mitigate the impact of these increases on their homes. Whether you are looking to save money on your monthly utility bills or increase the value of your home, you can implement various strategies to make your home more energy-efficient and reduce your overall energy costs.

To learn more about a solar solution to help you become more energy independent call the Solar Battery Group on 1300 223 224.

Electricity bills for hundreds of thousands of Australian households are set to soar by up to 31 per cent this year, even after the federal government’s emergency intervention brought down wholesale prices and avoided larger possible rises.

On Wednesday, the Australian Energy Regulator released its draft decision on increases to the main caps on consumer energy bills from July 1, which are expected to increase standard power bills between $300 and $564 per year.

The regulator’s so-called “default market offers” – price caps on what retailers can charge households and businesses that do not take up special deals or bundle utilities bills – would rise in all states across the east-coast electricity grid.

Starting from July, default offers will increase by up to 19 per cent in Queensland, 21 per cent in South Australia and 23 per cent in NSW. Households in Victoria, where the state’s Essential Services Commission determines its own default offer, the price cap for households will rise by 31 per cent, or $426.


“Energy prices are not immune from the significant challenges in the global economy right now, that’s why it’s more important than ever that we strike a balance in setting the default market offer to protect consumers as well as allowing retailers to continue to recover their costs and innovate.” – Australian Energy Regulator chair Clare Savage


The looming retail power bill hikes are being driven by sharp rises in the cost of wholesale electricity across the east-coast grid. The wholesale increases last year – from an average of $85 a megawatt-hour to as much as $264 a megawatt-hour – resulted from coal-fired power plants breaking down during peak demand periods, as well as sharply higher costs of coal and gas as a result of the war in Ukraine.


Source: The Age, Wed 15th March, 2023


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Ever since you installed a solar PV system on the roof, you’ve been supplying your home with renewable energy every day. That system has worked perfectly, and you have been saving money off your electricity bills… until now. You may have increased your consumption with the addition of new family members or different appliances. You may have lost a premium feed-in tariff. The stress is evident in the higher monthly bills and some scary news in the media – increasing electricity prices will inevitably hit all residents; you must do something!

Fortunately, your roof is spacious enough to fit in a few more panels, and you are wondering, “Can you upgrade an existing solar system?”

Yes, you can upgrade an existing solar system. In many cases, that’s exactly what people do when they are using more electricity than they generate. As a matter of fact, various reasons can lead to this decision, for example if you’re looking to produce more energy so you can charge a battery for night-time consumption. No matter the reasoning, it is important to understand that you still need to meet the standards outlined by the policies of your state and network provider.

Solar panels have been available in the Australian market for decades, and more popular than ever thanks to the advances in technology that have made them more affordable and reliable. Ever increasing electricity bills really make expanding your rooftop system an option to consider. Fortunately, you have a few options available for adding more solar panels to your home.



Keep the same inverter, just add more panels

There are different ways you can expand your solar generation. The easiest option is to have your original installer add more of the same solar panels that you already have to your existing system and inverter.

Many people don’t know this, but a solar inverter can be connected to a system of panels that exceeds the inverter’s rated peak power up to 133% – this is because of the natural power lost in transference from the panels into the inverter. For example, you can safely have a 6.6kW array of panels connected to a 5kW inverter.

This option is possible only if you can hire your original installer to add the exact same panels to the existing system, and you still have some wiggle room in the existing inverter.



Replace your inverter with a larger one, then add more panels

Practically every year, there is newer and more efficient solar technology hitting the market. There’s the chance that your system may be due for an upgrade, especially if your system is older than 7 years. In that case, you can replace your existing inverter with a bigger, more reliable one, which in turn will also allow you to add more panels, combining an array of new panels with your existing one and having them connected to the same inverter.

Replacing your old inverter can do wonders at increasing the overall efficiency of your system. Keep that in mind!

Install a completely new separate system to your existing one

Probably the most straightforward option to expand your solar energy generation. You could add a completely new inverter and solar panels as a new system, independent from your existing one. Both your old and new solar PV systems can then work together to feed into a battery for example, further reducing your reliance on grid electricity.

The new system can either use a string inverter system or a micro inverter system. The advantage of this approach is that it doesn’t alter your original system, which means you can leave the old system running, without it being brought up to current standards. This is a good approach if your existing system is working well.

There is the possibility that this option is limited by your electricity distributor (the ones in charge of the poles and wires), maybe even export restricted, which then means you wouldn’t be eligible for a feed-in tariff for any excess generated. It is best to check your individual circumstances to gauge the pros and cons of doing this.

I want to expand my system. What’s next?

If you’re interested in any of the options described above for expanding your PV system at home, you’ve arrived to the right place!

Whatever your energy needs, we will give you an appropriate, budget-friendly solution to allow you to escape the grid’s electricity prices as much as possible. Stop giving away your hard earned money to the major energy companies. Have a conversation with our team and allow us to help you. Please contact Solar Battery Group on 1300 223 224 or send us a message.



The Australian winter throughout most parts of the country is unbelievably cold, resulting in most households turning to increased use of heaters, to stay warm. Unfortunately, this often leads to higher energy consumption and higher bills during winter, and with ever increasing energy prices throughout the country and the cost of living increasing. Using the tips below, you’ll be able to help keep your energy bills down this winter.

Put up window covers, close windows and doors

To stay warm and save money on your gas bills this winter, consider fitting draught seals on the opening of windows and doors.  When the heater starts to heat up to more extreme temperatures, it can be best to keep windows and doors closed during the day when the outside temperature is far hotter than inside the house. Once the outside temperature is higher than inside, you can start to open doors and windows to cross-ventilate air to continue to heat up your house.

Program your thermostat

When using your heater, only heat the rooms and close doors and curtains to keep the warm air in. By setting your heater to between 18 and 20 degrees, you can keep your home warm and reduce costs. Every degree higher than this temperature can add around 15% to your gas bill.

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Use energy efficient globes

There are plenty of options when it comes to energy efficient lighting which can help to maintain an energy efficient household. By choosing the appropriate lights bulbs, you can ensure your home is energy efficient and saving you more money on energy bills.

Turn off non-essential appliances at the switch

This winter, a simple flick of the switch can save money and energy. When not in use, turn non-essential appliances such as computers, printers, televisions, and entertainment systems off at their power points. Electronic devices can use up to 10% of your household’s electricity on standby (called phantom power).

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Run a full load of washing

Are you looking to stay on top of your washing and energy bills this winter? Try waiting until your washing machine and dishwasher are full before running a cycle. For greater savings, choose cold wash and the shortest washing cycle when you can.

Install Solar + Battery 

The Winter conditions are ideal for households with rooftop (PV) solar with a solar battery fitted. With rooftop solar, you’re not only reducing your carbon footprint but also producing your own free energy which can be used to power your home and appliances during the day. So, by meeting your energy needs with the solar power your system produces you’ll be able to pay less for the power you use. Rooftop solar systems produce more electricity over summer and combined with a solar battery can store electricity to use at night when the sun goes down, meaning households can draw less electricity from the grid. With the cost of living increasing, it is a no brainer.


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