Tag Archive for: solar pv

When it comes to renewable energy solutions for the home, integrating the power of solar panels with battery storage is the key. With sustainability and environmental responsibility on the minds of billions around the world, building a renewable energy ecosystem is not just a goal but a necessity.


This article delves into how integrating solar panels with battery storage paves the way for a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.


The Role of Solar Panels in Renewable Energy

Solar panels have become synonymous with clean energy. They harness the sun’s power, an abundant natural resource, to generate electricity. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy production emits no greenhouse gases, making it a key player in efforts to combat climate change. However, the real challenge lies in the intermittent nature of solar power — it’s only available during daylight hours. This is where battery storage is a game changer.


Advancements in battery storage technology have led to more efficient, longer-lasting, and eco-friendly options.


Battery Storage: The Missing Link

Battery storage technology is pivotal in addressing the intermittency issues of solar power; by storing excess energy generated during sunny periods, batteries ensure a continuous energy supply. Furthermore, advancements in battery storage technology have led to more efficient, longer-lasting, and eco-friendly options, cementing its role in the renewable energy landscape.


The Synergy between Solar Panels and Battery Storage

The combination of solar panels and battery storage creates a symbiotic relationship, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of each system. Solar panels charge the batteries, providing a reliable energy source when needed, creating a self-sustaining loop of energy production and consumption. This synergy reduces dependency on traditional power grids and fossil fuels, moving us closer to a fully renewable energy ecosystem.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Adopting a solar-plus-storage system has notable economic advantages. Firstly, it can significantly reduce electricity bills as users become less dependent on grid-supplied power, especially during peak times when electricity rates are higher.


Environmentally, this system reduces carbon footprints by lowering reliance on fossil-fueled power generation, thus contributing positively to the fight against global warming.


Future Prospects

With continuous technological advancements and increasing government support through subsidies and incentives, solar panels and battery storage systems are becoming more accessible and efficient. The future promises further integration of these systems with smart grid technology, enhancing energy distribution and management efficiency.


From solar panels to battery storage, building a renewable energy ecosystem is crucial for a sustainable future. This synergy not only champions environmental protection but also offers practical economic benefits. As technology evolves and becomes more integrated into our energy infrastructure, the dream of a fully renewable and sustainable energy ecosystem becomes increasingly attainable.


Embracing this green energy transition is imperative for our planet’s health and for our future generations.


Solar Battery Group can help you take charge of your energy solutions. Our cutting-edge solar battery solutions empower you to harness the sun’s abundant energy and store it when needed.




This summer—and every summer that follows—Australians face an ominous threat that could disrupt the lives of millions: rolling blackouts.

Australia’s biggest cities stand on the precipice of power shortages and grid instability, driven by rising temperatures and the gradual closure of coal power plants. The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has sounded the alarm, emphasising the pressing need for urgent investments in energy infrastructure.


In this blog, we’ll delve into the critical issue, exploring the reasons behind the looming crisis and offering potential solutions to safeguard your energy future.

Rising Temperatures and Energy Demand

With higher temperatures on the horizon in Australia, the reliance on air conditioning and cooling systems over the coming years will increase dramatically. This heightened energy consumption poses a significant challenge to the nation’s power grid, particularly in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland.


The transition to renewables is progressing more slowly than predicted, leaving the NEM vulnerable to reliability issues.


The Transition to Renewables Lagging Behind

The National Energy Market (NEM) is in the midst of a pivotal transformation, shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. However, AEMO’s recent annual Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) report paints a concerning picture. The transition to renewables is progressing more slowly than predicted, leaving the NEM vulnerable to reliability issues.

Regional Vulnerabilities

According to the ESOO report, several regions are at risk of facing energy reliability problems moving forward. Victoria, in particular, is expected to struggle this summer due to rising temperatures. At the same time, other Australian states are also forecasted to grapple with energy challenges in the future, further increasing the urgency of the situation.

The Coal Conundrum

A significant contributor to this crisis is the gradual retirement of coal power plants. The report predicts that 62 percent of Australia’s current coal fleet will retire by 2033. This transition from coal is essential for reducing emissions and combating climate change, but it leaves gaps in energy reliability that must be addressed promptly.


Rolling Blackouts


Urgent Energy Investments Needed

To avert the looming energy crisis and ensure a stable supply of electricity for Australians, AEMO CEO Daniel Westerman stresses the importance of urgent energy investments.

Westerman explains, “To ensure Australian consumers continue to have access to reliable electricity supplies, it’s critical that planned investments in transmission, generation, and storage projects are urgently delivered.”

Fortunately, there is a significant pipeline of proposed energy projects that could mitigate the shortfall, provided they are completed on schedule.

“There is also the opportunity for consumers’ rooftop solar, batteries, and electric vehicles to actively participate in the power system, which would further reduce reliability risks,” he said.

The Role of Renewable Energy

Advocates argue that fast-tracking the rollout of renewable energy is the most effective solution. Wind and solar power, complemented by advanced battery technology and efficient transmission lines, can bolster the grid’s resilience. Climate Council energy expert Andrew Stock emphasises the wealth of clean energy projects ready for implementation, urging industry, governments, and communities to collaborate in accelerating the transition.


The solution lies in a balanced mix of technologies with renewable energy sources taking centre stage.


A Collective Effort for a Clean and Reliable Energy Future

In conclusion, Australia stands at a crossroads, facing the dual challenge of climate change and energy instability. The solution lies in a balanced mix of technologies with renewable energy sources taking centre stage. By embracing wind, solar, advanced batteries, and efficient transmission, we can ensure a cleaner and more reliable energy future for all Australians.


Solar Battery Group can help you take charge of your energy solutions. Our cutting-edge solar battery solutions empower you to harness the sun’s abundant energy and store it when needed. Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint, protect against blackouts, or save on energy costs, our solar specialists will guide you toward a sustainable and secure energy future.


In these uncertain times, safeguarding our energy investments and supply is paramount. Let’s act decisively to invest in a future powered by clean, reliable, and sustainable energy sources, ensuring all Australians are protected from the threat of rolling blackouts.

In recent years, the adoption of solar energy solutions has surged across Australia, driven by a growing awareness of environmental concerns and financial benefits. As homeowners and businesses consider integrating solar batteries into their renewable energy systems, understanding the economics behind solar battery installations becomes crucial.

In this blog, we will explain the costs associated with solar batteries in Australia and determine whether investing in this technology is a financially viable decision for you.

Upfront Cost

Generally, the initial cost is one the primary consideration for those contemplating solar battery integration. The price of solar batteries in Australia varies depending on the brand, capacity, and features.

Whilst the initial investment may seem significant, various government incentives and rebates are available in Australia, including at both the federal and state levels. So, whether you’re in Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, or otherwise, you may be eligible to significantly offset the upfront costs, making investing into your energy independence that much more attractive.

You may find the cost of a solar battery substantially varies depending on who you buy it from. As Australia’s largest solar battery installer, Solar Battery Group’s greater buying power and access to product allows us to compete with the lowest prices on the market.

Capacity and Consumption

The capacity of your solar battery system will affect the overall cost and system performance. A battery that is too small for your household will have an impact on effectiveness and lead to additional expenses or an inadequate energy supply. Furthermore, if your battery is too big for your home, you may find your panels cannot generate enough energy to both power your home and fully charge the battery.

Our professional solar specialists will conduct a personalised energy assessment for you, allowing you to make an informed decision about which battery is best for you to achieve maximum value from your investment.

Integration Capability

Integrating a solar battery can be a seamless process for households or businesses with an existing solar photovoltaic (PV) system; however, some older PV systems require upgrades to support battery integration, incurring additional costs. On the other hand, modern solar batteries are designed to work efficiently with most PV systems, optimising your energy generation and consumption.

Solar Battery Group

Lifespan and Warranty

The longevity of a solar battery plays a crucial role in its cost-effectiveness. Higher-quality batteries may come with longer lifespans, offering more cycles and better performance over time. While these premium batteries might have a higher initial cost, their extended lifespan often translates to more significant overall savings. When comparing battery options, pay close attention to the warranty the manufacturer offers. An extended warranty period typically indicates the manufacturer’s confidence in their product’s durability and performance.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Your ROI will depend on factors like local energy rates, the size of your solar battery system, and available incentives. Over time, as electricity prices rise, the savings generated using stored solar energy can offset the initial investment. In many cases, the ROI period for solar battery installations in Australia ranges between 5 to 10 years, making it an attractive option for long-term energy cost reduction.

In conclusion, investing in solar batteries for your Australian property can provide a range of financial and environmental benefits. Although the upfront cost of installation may seem daunting, the potential savings on your energy bills, added government incentives, and a reduced carbon footprint make it a promising long-term investment.

When considering solar battery integration, you’ll want to work with a reputable solar provider who can conduct a thorough energy assessment and help you choose the most suitable battery system for your needs.

Want to know more? Call us today for a personalised quote and assessment on your home.

In today’s age of increasing environmental consciousness, solar energy has emerged as a viable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional power sources. As homeowners and businesses alike seek to embrace solar power, they often turn to solar quote companies to simplify the process of finding the right solar installation and pricing options. However, it’s essential to be aware that not all quote companies prioritise the best interests of their customers. In this blog, we shed light on the shortcomings of some solar quote companies and explore why you should exercise caution when relying solely on their services.

Selling Personal Information to Multiple 3rd Parties

One of the most concerning practices of some solar quote companies is selling personal information to multiple third parties. When you request a solar quote, you willingly provide sensitive details such as your name, address, and contact information. Unfortunately, certain quote companies exploit this data for financial gain by selling it to various entities instead of safeguarding it. Consequently, customers are often bombarded with unsolicited calls, emails, and promotional materials from unknown solar retailers and service providers. This breach of trust can lead to a frustrating experience and raises serious privacy concerns.

Data Breach

No Guarantee of Quality Service or Competitive Price

Although solar quote companies claim to assist in finding the best solar installation services and pricing, they often fall short of delivering on their promises. Their primary focus is on quantity rather than quality, leading them to partner with various solar retailers, including those of questionable reputations. This lack of screening means that customers may receive quotes from inexperienced or unreliable solar providers, compromising the quality and reliability of the installed systems.

Additionally, without any competitive bidding process, there’s no assurance that the quoted prices are genuinely competitive or offer the best value for your investment.


Encouraging Customers to Conduct Their Own Research

Given the inherent limitations of relying solely on solar quote companies, customers must proactively conduct their own research. Understanding the intricacies of solar technology, available financing options, and regional incentives can significantly impact the decision-making process. By being well-informed, customers can better evaluate quotes, compare offerings from different solar retailers, and select the most suitable solution for their energy needs. Empowering yourself with knowledge is the key to making an informed and confident decision when going solar.

Selling personal information to third parties, the lack of guaranteed quality and competitive pricing…

Limited Reach to Solar Retailers

One of the most concerning aspects of using a solar quote company is the limited reach of solar retailers. These quote companies often act as intermediaries, making the critical decision of which solar retailers receive your information. Unfortunately, this approach limits your exposure to potential solar providers, and you may miss out on better options that align more closely with your preferences and requirements. The lack of transparency in this process can frustrate and disconnect customers from the actual solar installation process.

Expand your reach

While solar quote companies may seem like convenient one-stop shops for solar solutions, it’s vital to approach them with caution. Selling personal information to third parties, the lack of guaranteed quality and competitive pricing, and limited access to solar retailers are significant drawbacks that may not align with your best interests. Instead, empower yourself with knowledge, conduct thorough research, and directly engage with reputable solar retailers. By taking charge of your solar journey, you can make an informed decision that benefits your energy needs and the environment. Remember, going solar is a long-term investment, and choosing a reliable and trusted solar provider with your best interests at heart is non-negotiable.

If you’re in the process of going solar, the Solar Battery Group team is here to help and support you with all of your solar needs and enquiries, so feel free to reach out to us here.

In today’s world, saving money on energy bills has become increasingly important. Harnessing the sun’s power through solar panels and batteries offers a promising solution. In this article, we will explore how solar power works, its benefits, the installation process, calculating potential savings, the role of solar batteries in saving energy, and environmental advantages.

How Solar Power Works

Solar power relies on solar panels containing photovoltaic cells capable of converting sunlight into electricity. These cells absorb photons from the sun’s rays, generating a flow of electricity. This direct current (DC) is then converted into alternating current (AC) through an inverter, making it compatible with household appliances and the electrical grid.

Benefits of Solar Power

Switching to solar power offers several compelling advantages:

  1. It significantly reduces electricity costs. By generating your electricity, you can minimise reliance on the grid, resulting in substantial savings over time.
  2. Solar power is a renewable and sustainable energy source, unlike traditional fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to environmental pollution.
  3. Governments and utility companies often provide tax incentives and rebates to promote the adoption of solar power.
  4. Installing solar panels can increase the value of your property, making it a worthwhile long-term investment.

Solar Battery Group

Installing Solar Panels

Before installing solar panels, evaluating the feasibility of solar power for your property is essential. Factors such as geographical location, available sunlight, shading, and roof orientation must be considered. Once deemed feasible, selecting the right solar panel system is crucial.

Consulting with professionals ensures an accurate assessment of your energy needs and the installation of an optimal system tailored to your requirements. In addition, proper installation by experienced technicians guarantees the efficiency and longevity of your solar power system.

Calculating Potential Savings

Determining the potential savings from solar power involves considering various factors. These include the size of your solar panel system, local electricity rates, available sunlight, and any applicable net metering or feed-in tariffs. In addition, estimating the payback period, which is the time it takes for the savings to cover the initial investment, helps gauge the financial viability of solar power. Furthermore, analysing long-term savings allows you to understand the substantial economic benefits of solar power over an extended period.

This maximises self-consumption and minimises reliance on the grid.

Other Ways to Save with Solar Power

Apart from reducing or eliminating your electricity bills, solar power offers additional ways to save. Solar batteries allow you to store excess electricity generated during the day for use at night or during periods of low sunlight. This maximises self-consumption and minimises reliance on the grid. Additionally, net metering enables you to sell excess electricity back to the grid, further offsetting costs. Finally, off-grid solar systems provide a reliable and sustainable energy solution for those seeking independence from the grid.

Environmental Benefits

In addition to financial advantages, solar power significantly contributes to a cleaner environment. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, solar power helps decrease carbon emissions, mitigating the effects of climate change. The abundant sunlight available makes solar power a viable option worldwide, lessening dependence on limited and environmentally damaging resources. Embracing solar power empowers individuals and communities to take an active role in protecting the planet.

Common Myths about Solar Power

Several misconceptions surround solar power:

  1. Contrary to popular belief, solar power is not prohibitively expensive. The costs associated with solar panels have decreased significantly in recent years, making them increasingly affordable.
  2. Solar panels require minimal maintenance, typically limited to occasional cleaning.
  3. Solar power is adequate even in less sunny climates since panels can generate electricity from diffused sunlight, although they may produce slightly less energy.

In conclusion, harnessing the power of solar panels and batteries provides a viable solution for saving money on energy bills. Significant savings can be achieved over time by reducing reliance on the grid and taking advantage of renewable energy. Installing solar panels, calculating potential savings, and utilising solar batteries for energy storage are effective ways to optimise self-consumption and further minimise costs. Embracing solar power and solar batteries benefits your finances and contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Solar Battery Group (SBG) has provided customers with high-quality solar batteries and exceptional customer service for over 30 years. Specialising in premium battery storage and solar panel systems, SBG supplies the very best technology and services to meet the needs of Australian households.

Before we dive into just a few of SBG’s 5-star reviews, let’s start with the basics:

What is a solar battery?

A solar battery is a device that stores the excess energy produced by solar panels during the day, which can then be used during the evening or at times when the sun is not shining. By storing this energy, solar batteries can help households reduce their reliance on the grid and lower their electricity bills.

Why do I need it?

A solar battery can help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint by making your home more energy-efficient. Using the energy stored in the battery during peak hours can avoid high electricity rates and reduce the strain on the grid, which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Why should I choose Solar Battery Group?

Solar Battery Group is the ideal choice for anyone looking for top-quality solar batteries and exceptional service. As a New Energy Tech Approved Seller, they only use Clean Energy Council accredited installers and approved products, ensuring their customers receive the highest quality solutions for their energy needs.

The Solar Battery Group tailored packages are designed to suit every household’s requirements, and as a 100% Australian-owned and operated company, they understand the unique needs of their customers.

Furthermore, with over 30 years’ of industry experience, they have the knowledge and expertise to help you maximise your solar investment. And with our Best Price Guarantee, you can rest assured that you’re getting the best possible value for your money. Solar Battery Group is a service-driven company committed to providing its customers with the best possible experience.

But don’t just take our word for it; keep reading for some of our recent 5-star reviews.

Solar Battery Group Reviews

Great customer service

“Everything they said they would do, they did in the time frame they said they would. Can’t ask for anything than that. Also I had a small problem filling out the Government rebate form so SBG sent someone out to help me. That’s great customer service.” – Mark.


Well informed and Impressive result

“The process was seamless. My time wasn’t wasted and I was kept informed during the installation. They were upfront about a better fit with an upgrade to a 5kW battery and it has performed well in service. The battery lasts most of the night with very little need for power from the grid. The app provides plenty of information allowing appliances to be used when there is plenty of power from the roof panels. I’m very happy with the service, installation and result.”


Great Company. Very Good Service. Great Staff

“We had an existing system updated to be able to add batteries. We have not had any electrical issues since with the update. They came when they said they would and did what was agreed for both the service of the unit and the update. We now have the ability to see via a phone app our solar information. Would recommend their solar service too.”


Great solar battery

“Don was pleased with his solar battery installation, which was quick, easy, and took up very little space. He appreciated that the installer explained everything in detail, ensuring that he understood how the system works. Don was able to start saving money and energy right away.” – Don.


Great product

“Really good service and friendly staff, can’t complain, very helpful” – Mark W.


“Once I made the call and spoke to the sales reps, they put my mind at ease straight away and talked me through the entire process. On installation day, they arrived and were very well mannered and respectfull and went about their work in a real no fuss and quick manner. The whole thing has been a very pleasant and now exciting experience as I watch how well it is working for me in keeping my costs down, I am very happy.” – Peter N.


Excellent service

“Everyone I spoke to was so helpful from start to finish. The battery was installed within a week. We couldn’t be happier.”– Justine.


SBG is dedicated to helping customers save money and energy through their top-notch solar batteries and excellent customer service. By storing the excess energy produced by solar panels, solar batteries can help households reduce their reliance on the grid and lower their electricity bills.


Solar Battery Group may be the perfect solution for you if you’re looking to reduce your energy costs and minimise your carbon footprint. With exceptional customer service and high-quality products, you can trust SBG to help you save money and energy while doing your part to protect the environment.

Australia’s solar industry has set a new record for rooftop solar installation during the summer of 2023. This achievement is a testament to the country’s commitment to clean energy and highlights Australia’s rapid growth of solar power. In this article, we will explore the factors contributing to the industry’s growth and discuss the benefits of solar power for Australian homes and businesses.

Factors Contributing to the Growth of Australia’s Solar Industry

Solar panels have decreased by around 80%, making them an affordable and viable option for more Australians.

The Australian government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions has played a significant role in the growth of the country’s solar industry. The government has set a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, encouraging individuals and businesses to invest in renewable energy sources like solar power.

Another factor contributing to the growth of Australia’s solar industry is the decreasing cost of solar panels. Over the last decade, solar panels have decreased by around 80%, making them an affordable and viable option for more Australians.

Benefits of Solar Power for Australian Homes and Businesses

One of the primary benefits of solar power for Australian homes and businesses is the potential cost savings. Solar energy can significantly reduce electricity bills and help individuals and businesses save money in the long run.

Solar Battery GroupAnother benefit of solar power is that it is a clean and renewable energy source, which means it is much better for the environment than traditional energy sources. As a result, using solar power can help reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Australia’s solar industry achieved new heights in the summer of 2023, breaking records for rooftop solar installations. The solar industry’s growth can be attributed to factors such as the government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and the decreasing cost of solar panels. Solar power offers numerous benefits to Australian homes and businesses, including cost savings and a cleaner, more sustainable energy source. As the country continues to invest in renewable energy, we expect further growth and development in the solar industry.

To learn more about a solar solution to help you become more energy independent call the Solar Battery Group on 1300 223 224.

Ever since you installed a solar PV system on the roof, you’ve been supplying your home with renewable energy every day. That system has worked perfectly, and you have been saving money off your electricity bills… until now. You may have increased your consumption with the addition of new family members or different appliances. You may have lost a premium feed-in tariff. The stress is evident in the higher monthly bills and some scary news in the media – increasing electricity prices will inevitably hit all residents; you must do something!

Fortunately, your roof is spacious enough to fit in a few more panels, and you are wondering, “Can you upgrade an existing solar system?”

Yes, you can upgrade an existing solar system. In many cases, that’s exactly what people do when they are using more electricity than they generate. As a matter of fact, various reasons can lead to this decision, for example if you’re looking to produce more energy so you can charge a battery for night-time consumption. No matter the reasoning, it is important to understand that you still need to meet the standards outlined by the policies of your state and network provider.

Solar panels have been available in the Australian market for decades, and more popular than ever thanks to the advances in technology that have made them more affordable and reliable. Ever increasing electricity bills really make expanding your rooftop system an option to consider. Fortunately, you have a few options available for adding more solar panels to your home.



Keep the same inverter, just add more panels

There are different ways you can expand your solar generation. The easiest option is to have your original installer add more of the same solar panels that you already have to your existing system and inverter.

Many people don’t know this, but a solar inverter can be connected to a system of panels that exceeds the inverter’s rated peak power up to 133% – this is because of the natural power lost in transference from the panels into the inverter. For example, you can safely have a 6.6kW array of panels connected to a 5kW inverter.

This option is possible only if you can hire your original installer to add the exact same panels to the existing system, and you still have some wiggle room in the existing inverter.



Replace your inverter with a larger one, then add more panels

Practically every year, there is newer and more efficient solar technology hitting the market. There’s the chance that your system may be due for an upgrade, especially if your system is older than 7 years. In that case, you can replace your existing inverter with a bigger, more reliable one, which in turn will also allow you to add more panels, combining an array of new panels with your existing one and having them connected to the same inverter.

Replacing your old inverter can do wonders at increasing the overall efficiency of your system. Keep that in mind!

Install a completely new separate system to your existing one

Probably the most straightforward option to expand your solar energy generation. You could add a completely new inverter and solar panels as a new system, independent from your existing one. Both your old and new solar PV systems can then work together to feed into a battery for example, further reducing your reliance on grid electricity.

The new system can either use a string inverter system or a micro inverter system. The advantage of this approach is that it doesn’t alter your original system, which means you can leave the old system running, without it being brought up to current standards. This is a good approach if your existing system is working well.

There is the possibility that this option is limited by your electricity distributor (the ones in charge of the poles and wires), maybe even export restricted, which then means you wouldn’t be eligible for a feed-in tariff for any excess generated. It is best to check your individual circumstances to gauge the pros and cons of doing this.

I want to expand my system. What’s next?

If you’re interested in any of the options described above for expanding your PV system at home, you’ve arrived to the right place!

Whatever your energy needs, we will give you an appropriate, budget-friendly solution to allow you to escape the grid’s electricity prices as much as possible. Stop giving away your hard earned money to the major energy companies. Have a conversation with our team and allow us to help you. Please contact Solar Battery Group on 1300 223 224 or send us a message.



Solar batteries have been available in the Australian market for decades, and reality is battery storage has never been as affordable, safe, and accessible as it is today. Solar batteries are the future for thousands of suburban households across the country and with ever increasing electricity bills, solar batteries are a no brainer if you want to save.

A rooftop PV installation allows you to generate free electricity from the sun. However, there are times when your rooftop PV installation won’t be producing energy and saving you money – like at night. It is at those times that you can experience high charges from grid consumption.


Without a solar battery

Without a solar battery


Adding a Solar battery to your original Rooftop PV system makes sense, especially in Australia, since we pay some of the highest rates to buy electricity from the grid in the world. Simply put, any power you use at home that comes from your solar and not from the grid will provide savings in your energy bills – and a battery will allow you to extend the benefits of your solar, storing the energy generated throughout the day so you can use at times like at night.


With a solar battery

With a solar battery



You’re better off utilising your FREE solar power rather than selling it for a standard feed-in tariff and then having to buy your electricity back at a much higher rate to power your home at night. The combination of rooftop solar system and battery will help lower your energy bills dramatically and lead the way to a more renewable future, while reducing your carbon footprint.

A solar battery can store excess solar generation instead of sending it straight to the grid. Once the battery is charged, you will still get a feed-in tariff. (Are you shopping for a better feed-in tariff?)




Use your own solar power at night, reduce your reliance on grid prices

As we mentioned before, you’re better off utilising your solar energy rather than selling it for a standard feed-in tariff and then having to pay your electricity retailer a much higher rate to power your home at night.

Keep your home powered even when the grid fails, if you choose a model that offers blackout protection. Since this is not a part of a standard installation, we recommend you talking to our solar superheroes about blackout protection at the time of quoting. If you already have a battery that supports blackout protection that hasn’t been wired, we can help you organise for an installer to come and enable it.

It is important to remember choosing the right-sized battery will maximise these benefits.

Want to learn more about how much money you can save by adding a solar battery?

Then talk to our Solar consultants at Solar Battery Group on 1300 223 224 and let us help you.



If you’re a solar homeowner and you’re connected to the grid, you may be very familiar with the concept of feed-in tariffs. While you are still charged for your energy consumption from the grid and a daily supply charge, most electricity retailers offer a feed-in tariff, or FiT, as the payment that you receive in exchange for any excess energy you feed back into the grid. Consider it an incentive for generating clean energy and allowing others to use it.

However, as solar becomes more popular, FiT’s have been steadily decreasing. More than 10 years ago, FiT’s that residential households were eligible to receive were a lot higher than what’s offered today. Take the state of Victoria for example, where this tariff has gone from 60 c/kWh back in 2009 to 5.20 c/kWh starting 1 July 2022 – a reduction of over 91%!

We have talked before about solar batteries being a great way of maximising your PV generation, as they allow you to store some of that excess energy and use it when you need it most, like at night.



Even so, especially with a big enough solar system, you might be able to charge your storage AND still send some excess energy to the grid. When it comes to clawing back from rising electricity costs, every single cent counts.


Who sets the feed-in tariff you get paid?

Minimum feed-in tariffs are updated every year by governmental bodies or independent regulators depending on your place of residence – like the IPART in NSW or the ESC in VIC.

However, the entity that ultimately pays you a FiT is the one that also sends you a bill: your electricity retailer. Electricity retailers must offer the minimum FiT mandated but can offer any amount above that if they choose to do so.

Therefore, the feed-in tariff you get paid can vary from retailer to retailer, and in some instances, from plan to plan even within the same retailer. There is a myriad of options out there, with some rates tied directly to the wholesale market spot price, time-varying vs flat or plans that require the household to have a solar battery or electric vehicle. So how do you go about choosing what’s best for you?

Fortunately, there are tools to help you navigate these complexities and compare between retailers’ offers like the Victorian Energy Compare and the Energy Made Easy websites (for VIC and non-VIC residents respectively). You usually enter information about your address and current energy usage, and in exchange will get a list of different energy plans available to you.

If you identify a more suitable plan for you, you simply need to contact your new chosen retailer and arrange for your electricity service to be switched over.




So, a plan with higher feed-in tariffs is better?

Not quite. Some retailers may offer a high feed-in tariff in a plan that has higher electricity rates too. Before switching it is important you analyse the rate plan as a whole, taking into account:

  1. Electricity rates and your usage times (especially important for time-of-use plans)
  2. Any limits to export at certain feed-in tariff rates. There are plans in the market that offer a tempting FiT that is limited to a capped amount of kWh’s a day
  3. Daily supply charge, which you pay regardless of the amount of electricity you consume from the grid
  4. Any conditional discounts (like ‘pay on time’ or ‘bundled’ plans)
  5. Early termination, late payment or disconnection fees
  6. Other relevant terms and conditions




Is there an easier solution?

No matter how hard you look, feed-in tariffs are designed to be lower than the electricity rates you pay to your retailer. That is why using as much of that free energy you already generate at home is a more straightforward way to save on rising living costs.

By using your own solar power, there are no overheads, no transmission costs, no tricky sales conditions. Solar PV requires little maintenance and is an investment you can maximise for decades.

Even better, solar batteries allow you to squeeze the most out of your solar, gain independence from the grid (and those pesky electricity retailers), as well as providing other bonuses like protecting your home from blackouts and added monitoring capabilities that put you behind the steering wheel of your life once again.